Welcome to the Dungeon25 project!
This year we will be exploring the Dungeon-Wilderness Synthesis concept in creating a megadungeon which is fully integrated into the surface world. The rules we’ll be using are based on Blueholme/AD&D, but can easily be modified for any system.
In this video we explore the basic elements of the project and how to get started. Be sure to subscribe, you don’t want to miss any of these!
Below is the procedure for determining the location and type of monster lairs.
Dungeon-Wilderness Lairs and Encounters Procedure
There are d6 (d6 result = “N”) monster lairs that exit onto the earth's surface above the Dungeon. There are 31 one-mile hexes in the large, 5-mile hex.
· Roll Nd31 (use an online dice roller!) to determine which 1-mile hex each lair entrance is located. N = the number of lairs.
· Roll NdL to determine the Dungeon Level of the N monsters that make their lair in the dungeon. Assign each result to a location. L = the number of dungeon levels in this hex area.
· For each location, roll on the appropriate Random Monster Table for the assigned Dungeon Level, making a note about which monster is assigned to which Dungeon Level.
o Look up each monster in the Monster Manual, then roll to determine the Number Appearing. This may be a very large number, in the case of some humanoid monsters. For a “Number Appearing” result of up to 25% of the maximum, assign the lair to one level higher. This monster will be encountered on the assigned level, the next level above, and on the ground level.
o For monsters with a “Number Appearing” value 26% to 50% of the maximum, assign the lair to the original level rolled. This monster will be encountered on the assigned level, the next level above and/or below, and on the ground level.
o For monsters with a “Number Appearing” value 51% to 75% of the maximum, assign the lair d2 levels lower. This monster will be encountered on the assigned level, the next two levels above and below, and on the ground level.
o For monsters with a “Number Appearing” value 76% to 100% of the maximum, assign the lair to four levels lower. This monster will be encountered on the assigned level, the next four levels above and two levels below, and on the ground level.
o Monsters encountered above or below the level of their lair will be 5-20% of the Number Appearing, acting as a Patrol.
· Any result indicating Undead implies the existence of an animating Necromancer. The Necromancer will be a Level Five Cleric (or equivalent) with the Animate Dead spell. The original undead creatures will be encountered on the assigned level, additional Skeletons and Zombies will be encountered one level above and below. The Necromancer may be encountered on any Dungeon Level.
In upcoming posts we’ll be looking at how to construct the framework for your megadungeon as well as weekly recaps on keying each zone.
The Dungeon25 playlist on yootoob
Be sure to subscribe!
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