Turn 6
Yellow Orders
AF advance to the north to enter melee with the front line of enemy skirmishers in front of them. If they have an opportunity to charge, they will.
Western 4 blocks of skirmishers - all move to the northeast as fast as possible maintaining current spacing. Intent is to make contact with the enemy's skirmishers in front of the enemy H-Inf. If they can shoot during the missile phase, shoot those enemy skirmishers.
Composite Bowmen place direct or indirect fire at either of the two lines of enemy skirmishers to the West. If not yet in range, advance north 1/2 move and try to fire during missile segment.
HF in center - give up guards for prisoners. Stand fast to defend this position (remove fatigue).
Our MH and HH both face to the northeast and move forward no more than 11" toward the enemy LF archers. Our MH heads for the west side of the LF archers. Our HH heads for the east side of the LF archers.
Our Superhero enters fantastic combat with enemy Hero.
Our two Heros in the East both move toward and challenge the enemy Hero (HH)
Our heavy crossbowmen reload.
Our central skirmishers move forward to form an arc of 5 equally spaced blocks in front of our HF to shield it from the enemy Superhero and AF. This arc should be at least 6" in front of our HF. The skirmishers should give way to any cavalry moving to their front.
Green Orders
Continue Challenge with both heroes
Western archers fire on a inf. Western skirmishers fire on A inf.
A inf forward 1 move.
Easten archers oblique/wheel west and 1/4 move then fire on heavy cav take pass through fire if it arises
Easter skirmish line forward 1/2 move fire on H Inf.
H Inf advance to 2.5inc from eastern skirmish line
Hero is challenging superhero